Category: Healthier Tips

The Health Benefits of Exercise on The Body and Mind

Here are some of the many benefits of exercise : Exercise can include cardiovascular benefits by increasing circulation, decreasing cholesterol levels by increasing good cholesterol (HDL), decreasing bad cholesterol, (LDL), and lowering blood pressure...

The Health Benefits of Ghee

It positively affects the nervous system. It is a rich source of Butyric acid which is a short chain fatty acid that improves and supports probiotic bacteria in the gut. It assists with balancing...

3 Areas To Declutter In Your Home

Many studies have shown the negative effects a cluttered environment can have on our attitudes, thinking,  anxiety, and even losing weight! Ways to Declutter Your Kitchen Organize junk drawers Clean cupboards and shelves. Donate...

7 Tips To Beat The Winter Blues

  Throughout the holidays, it’s normal that many of us often find ourselves experiencing both mental and emotional highs and lows. However, it’s important not to diminish the important role that our physical health...

The Effects Of Stress On The Body

Presented By The Health Coach Institute Stress can have several effects on a person’s body, mind, and soul. In the guide below you will see the many effects stress can have on an individual’s...

The “How-To” Water Guide

Presented by Health Coach Institute The “How-To” Water Guide presented by the Health Coach Institute offers a deep dive on important choices to be made when considering the sources we get our drinking water...