Setting Healthy Boundaries


Setting Healthy Boundaries in Our Lives is Extremely Important 

We all need to set healthy boundaries in our lives. Often, we do so for the following reasons.

  • To protect ourselves
  • To protect and guide our children
  • To protect our time
  • To protect our resources
  • To protect our energy
  • To protect our marriages/relationships

Setting boundaries is important. Why? Because, healthy boundaries sets clear expectations and shows respect for others and ourselves.

6 Types of Healthy Boundaries You Can Set

1) Emotional boundaries such as how a person talks to us or treats us. We should expect to be treated with respect and not talked down to. Emotional abuse is never acceptable.

2) We are to set boundaries and rules for our children. Proverbs 22:6, 1 Corinthians 15:33, Luke 6:31. We need to teach them safe physical boundaries, how to be polite, treating others and themselves with respect, obeying their parents and God, and consequences of misbehaving or not following rules. If a child is never told no and does not have boundaries when they are young, then when they are adults ,they will not like to be told no and think that person is being unreasonable. They may have trouble following rules.

3) Sexual Boundaries: Physical/sexual boundaries and expectations are important in dating relationships and marriage. An example, is keeping sex and intimacy within the marriage. Cheating violates trust.

4) Spiritual Boundaries: The right to worship freely.

5) Financial and material boundaries: For example, we should be kind and generous to those in need, out of work, or in a crisis. Ephesians 4: 32. However, there are those who will not work, don’t mind taking advantage of our generosity, and have a sense of entitlement either to our finances, or our material possessions. Clear boundaries need to be set here.

6) Time Boundaries: A good example exists within the workplace. Maybe, being called on your days off, or expectations with emails on time off, etc. Or perhaps needing to assist and give rides to people, etc. It is very gracious to do so, and we should when we can. We like to say yes, thinking we have extra time, But many of us need to set specific time for these things so our time bank doesn’t overflow. We need to take care of ourselves too, so as not to get burned out.

What Does The Bible Tell Us?

The bible tells us to be kind to others in need as we should be. However, there are those individuals who have no interest in keeping a job, and being independent and responsible for their own lives. These are the few who tend to have a sense of entitlement to our time and resources. We are called to be kind and help those in need. Not to be door mats to those who refuse to be independent and take advantage of us.  Galatians 6:5.

The bible commands us to control ourselves. Human nature usually wants to control others. Setting personal boundaries helps to protect us from people who have no self -control and want to control us. They also help us to maintain self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7 NIV, Romans 12:19.

So, as you can see, a person who sets clear, healthy boundaries communicates to others what is and is not allowed.












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